Résultats pour votre recherche :tea
Après une décennie de «buzz»
Quelle pertinence pour le concept de modèle d’affaires en stratégie?
Une dizaine d’années après la renaissance manifeste de l’intérêt des praticiens, puis des chercheurs, pour le concept de modèle d’affaires (business model), la question de sa pertinence au regard des concepts et des outils existants en stratégie persiste. Concept polysémique? Concept « valise »? Concept utile? Concept durable? Autant de questions qui, au-delà de la popularité du concept, nous invitent à porter un regard à la fois critique et constructif sur le modèle d’affaires dans le champ du management stratégique.  Alors que notre pratique d’enseignement de la stratégie et d’accompagnement de projets d’innovation nous amenait à questionner la pertinence du concept/outil du modèle d’affaires, il nous sembla qu’un tour de table s’imposait pour tenter de répondre aux questions soulevées. Ce tour de table s’est tenu le 8 juin 2011 lors de la XXe conférence de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS) à Nantes. Ce petit ouvrage a pour but de faire partager au lecteur l’intégralité des propos échangés ce jour-là.
À partir de 8,95$
Bringing scientific thinking to life
An introduction to Toyota Kata for next-generation business leaders (and those who would like to be)
FACING CHALLENGING GOALS AND UNPREDICTABLE PATHS?PRACTICE SCIENTIFIC THINKING! Your team’s ability to learn and adapt is paramount, and scientific thinking is the key to unlocking this invaluable skill. The bad news: It's not our natural default position as adults. The good news: There’s a simple and proven approach to developing it in any organization or team—including yours—called Toyota Kata. Professor Sylvain Landry lays out a straightforward management practice that enables each level of your organization to apply scientific ways of thinking and working, to achieve whatever goals you’re pursuing. “This book is that good!!! I can’t wait to have leaders read it! Sylvain shares his journey with Kata in a way that transported me into it. He brings a clear understanding and a powerful message on how to go about it, in a short and easy-to-read format. I consider this essential reading for anyone looking to start scientific-thinking practice in their organization.”– Tony Hren, Senior Director,Danaher Business System, Danaher Corporation “A practical and easily digestible book on Toyota Kata that’s perfect for our managers and their teams.”– Kasper Bødker Mejlvang, General Manager,Novo Nordisk Denmark & Iceland "Sylvain Landry captures the essence of developing practical, everyday scientific thinking that powers up your team, intertwined with the fascinating psychology behind it."– Timothy McQueen, General Manager, GE Aviation “If I'd had this book before I got into Kata it would have increased my understanding of how to get started. A great precursor to initial training and practice.”– Andrea Simpson, Senior Operations Director and Process Improvement, NEA Baptist Health System “As a leader of an organization, the challenge of improving is hard to sustain. This MUST-read book highlights how top organizations fuel their journey, and even enjoy the trip, by managers shepherding practice of scientific thinking in their teams.”– Dan Bergeron, President & CEO of SigmaPoint Technologies “A compact book every manager who wants to coach high performance should read. Take it along on your next flight.”– Professor Jeffrey Liker, author of the bestseller The Toyota Way “We develop many thinking habits at work, which makes the workplace the world’s largest classroom and managers its teachers. What skills and mindset are you conveying in your team? Read this book and realize how important your work with your team is.”– Mike Rother, author of the bestselling Learning to See,Toyota Kata and The Toyota Kata Practice Guide
Cognition et vieillissement
Traitement de l’information, savoir et pensée
Une traduction de l’œuvre de J. M. Rybash, J. W. Hoyer et P.A. Roodin : Adult Cognition and Aging: Developmental Changes in Processing, Knowing and Thinking. Dans ce livre de grande envergure, les auteurs se penchent sur des études et des théories relatives aux changements cognitifs chez l’adulte et à d’autres fonctions du système cognitif. Ils mettent l’accent sur les caractéristiques cognitives de l’adulte et présentent un modèle d’encapsulation des changements cognitifs de l’adulte vieillissant, particulièrement par rapport à son aptitude à traiter l’information, le savoir, et la pensée. Ils démontrent que les adultes construisent ou sélectionnent activement, grâce à la pensée Post-formelle, des domaines de savoir qui ne déclinent pas avec l’âge. André Lemieux, Ph. D. psychologue, est professeur titulaire à l’Université du Québec à Montréal, Président-directeur général de l’Institut Universitaire du Troisième Âge de Montréal, il a été membre du Conseil d’administration de l’Association Internationale des Universités du Troisième Âge et du Conseil d’administration de l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec, conseiller spécial auprès du président de l’International Federation on Ageing et adjoint au secrétariat général de l’Association Internationale de Gérontagogie. Il est membre de l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec et de la Société française de psychologie. Sa réputation internationale l’a fait participer au colloque de I’American Association of Retired Teachers, organisé par l’UNESCO, qui réunissait 70 experts du monde pour définir les politiques du vieillissement de l’ONU pour le XXIe siècle. Conférencier recherché, il est l’auteur de plus de 45 titres d’articles ou de livres scientifiques dont plusieurs furent traduits en anglais, arabe, espagnol et russe. Il faut aussi noter qu’il a dirigé la collection Éducation des Éditions Nouvelles de 1989-2016. Il continu d’écrire sur le comportement psychologique et social des personnes âgées. Amélie Lemieux, M.A., est doctorante à l’Université McGill et détentrice d’une bourse doctorale du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH) et d’une bourse de doctorat du Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture du gouvernement du Québec (FQRSC). Sa recherche à la maîtrise en éducation sur la lecture en français (McGill) a été récompensée par le CRSH (Bourse Joseph-Armand Bombardier), par la faculté des sciences de l’éducation de l’Université McGill (Bourse Tim Casgrain pour la littératie au Canada), et par le département des études intégrées en éducation de McGill (Bourse d’excellence, Prix de la meilleure présentation au congrès de l’EGSS en 2013, Prix de la revue des sciences de l’éducation de l’Université McGill). Elle détient un baccalauréat spécialisé en traduction de l’Université McGill et a participé, comme traductrice et chercheuse, à plusieurs projets de recherche, tous financés par le CRSH et le FQRSC. Ses plus récentes recherches portent sur la transécriture et sont publiées dans la Revue de Recherches en Littératie Médiatique Multimodale, Myriades et dans un collectif dirigé par Brigitte Louichon et Sylvain Brehm, Fictions historiques pour la jeunesse en France et au Québec.
À partir de 22,95$
Darwin’s Tea Party
Biological Knowledge, Evolution, Genetics and Human Nature
This book examines how biological knowledge has transformed the planet and reshaped humanity. Using the concept of biological knowledge, the author explores key persons, places, ideas and events that have shaped the world. He shows that while the development of biological knowledge has opened vast new vistas in our understanding of the living world and promises material abundance for some; refracted through the distorting lens of ideology, it has also contributed to great inequality and oppression. The book delves into key issues that arise from adopting a biological approach to understanding human nature, such as the assessment of human difference, the relationship of knowledge to power, the nature and role of science and religion and the value and nature of human life. Combining an engaging narrative style with scholarly rigour, this book makes an important and timely contribution to present-day issues and contemporary debates emanating from the life sciences.
À partir de 22,99$
Digital games and learning
Play is an interactive and fun learning activity. Thanks to digitization, there is an upswing in the game-based learning sector which opens up opportunities for all-age audience to use Digital Games for Learning (DGL): from kids to elders. This book emphasizes the potential of digital games for lifelong learning and deals with the different aspects one should take into consideration to create and to implement digital games for learning. Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, an ICT developer or you’re just curious about the pedagogical uses of digital games, this book was made for you.
À partir de 34,95$
Esquisse rapide
Ce livre est un livre de recettes pour les dessinateurs débutants.La majorité des gens qui ne dessine pas n’ont pas eu la chance de connaître une technique qui leur permet de construire un dessin. Savoir dessiner n’est pas différent que de suivre une recette de gâteau. Sans recette, il y a peu de chance de réussite.Dans ce livre, cinq techniques de dessin vous seront expliquées et vous permettront de réaliser les bases de tous croquis en perspective.Où est la ligne d’horizon? C’est la première notion à connaître avant de débuter un dessin. Comprendre cette ligne d’horizon et comment elle influence le dessin est l’introduction de mon livre. L’observateur, son point de vue, la hauteur de ses yeux et son angle de vision sont également des concepts importants de cette partie.Chaque objet a une forme différente et la reproduire en esquisse peut paraître ardu. Pourtant, chaque objet s’insère dans un volume cubique. Le cube, comme forme de base, est l’essence de la seconde partie du livre.La perspective frontale (1 point de fuite) et la perspective oblique (2 points de fuite) ne sont pas présentées de façon traditionnelle avec une rigueur géométrique désarmante. Mes techniques offrent beaucoup de souplesse et accélèrent grandement le processus de réalisation du dessin. Finalement, le raffinement du dessin par l’ombre et la lumière permet de mettre en valeur l’esquisse. Une image vaut mille mots et l’esquisse rapide permettra une visualisation rapide de vos idées. Le but d’une esquisse n’est pas de faire un beau dessin, mais bel et bien de produire rapidement une idée en perspective. Votre support de création deviendra le napperon du restaurant ou la feuille de gypse sur un chantier de construction. L’esquisse rapide n’est pas une finalité dans le processus créatif, elle permet au créatif d’explorer un univers fascinant en trois dimensions afin de valider une variété d’idées. Fini le temps des belles lignes droites tracées à la règle, c’est le temps pour l’esquisse rapide! Bernard Jobidon Dès l’âge de 2 ans, Bernard Jobidon a déjà une forte attirance pour le crayon de couleur. Cette passion se développe au point tel qu’il obtient un D.E.C. en Arts Plastiques au Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy (Québec) ainsi qu’un baccalauréat à l’UQAM en design de l’environnement. Pendant 20 ans, il fait carrière en design commercial chez Lanvain Design. Depuis 2008, il est professeur au département de Design d’intérieur du Cégep Marie-Victorin où il enseigne principalement les cours d’esquisses et de perspectives.  
À partir de 29,99$
Financial Accounting: Learning the Language of Business
Why is financial accounting the language of business? Financial statements are one of the few business reports that are standardized around the world. This allows a manager in Thailand to evaluate a company from France or an investor from Poland to assess the performance of a firm in Argentina. Financial accounting communicates the value and performance of an enterprise. As with any language, there are rules. The accounting principles are similar to grammatical rules because they provide a foundation for how to express things. The accounting terminology is a set of common words that we use to describe the many things that happen in the business world. This book will teach you the ABCs of financial reporting so you can join the conversation.
À partir de 22,95$
La pratique du modèle d'affaires
Le BM (Business Model, ou Modèle d’Affaires) a-t-il vocation à changer le monde des stratèges à l’image des figures et des représentations devenues emblématiques du champ de la stratégie dont la revue Harvard Business Review fit l’inventaire dans son édition de décembre 2011 pour initier les célébrations de son 90e anniversaire ? Comment interpréter la popularité du modèle d’affaires ? Reflète-t-elle un besoin de faire une synthèse devant la multitude et la diversité des outils de la stratégie ? Nous nous sommes réunis en 2011 autour d’un premier tour de table à l’AIMS à Nantes sur le thème de « ce qu’est » le BM. Que savons-vous de « ce que fait » le BM ? Nous avions convenu, en nous quittant à Nantes, qu’un autre tour de table sur le modèle d’affaires s’imposait pour aborder cette fois le BM en pratique, en situation, en contexte d’utilisation. Que nous apprend l’utilisation de l’outil du BM ? Par les praticiens ? Les étudiants ? Que nous enseigne et comment s’enseigne le BM ? Et quels regards critiques porter sur cet outil et son enseignement ? Voici le deuxième opus de notre série d’ateliers sur le concept du BM. Ses pages rapportent l’intégralité des propos tenus le 5 juin dernier, lors de notre tour de table AIMS à Lille sur le thème de « La pratique du BM ».
À partir de 4,95$
Le processus de construction du modèle d’affaires
Le modèle d’affaires (ou BM, Business Model) est le dernier-né desoutils d’analyse plébiscités en stratégie. On constate que, concrètement,les praticiens comme les étudiants s’approprient massivementmais singulièrement les composantes de ce concept-outil :comment ? Comment les transforment-ils ? Quels apports, maisaussi quelles difficultés peut-on identifier ? Nous nous sommesréunis en 2011 autour d’un premier tour de table à l’AIMS sur lethème de « ce qu’est » le BM, puis en 2012, autour d’un second tourde table sur le thème de « ce que fait » le BM. Alors que nous avonsconstaté la variété des représentations de ce concept-outil, l’incomplétudedes fondements théoriques disponibles ou explorés pouraborder la valeur, sa création, son partage ou sa captation, la diversitédes acteurs impliqués dans le processus d’invention d’unmodèle d’affaires, nous souhaitions approfondir, pour ce derniertour de table de notre trilogie consacrée au BM, le thème du processusde construction du modèle d’affaires. En quoi le BM s’inscrit-il dans l’histoire des cadres d’analyseopérationnels en stratégie ? Que nous apprend l’évaluation de l’outildu BM par ceux, étudiants ou praticiens, qui l’utilisent ? Et commentcaractériser le processus de construction dynamique ou encorele processus de médiation engendré par cet outil-outillant ? Ce troisième opus de notre série d’ateliers sur le BM rapportel’intégralité des propos échangés autour de ces questions le 11 juin2013, à Clermont-Ferrand.
À partir de 4,95$
Process improvement: kaizen, lean and six-sigma
These days, no organization can fully realize its mission without maintaining a constant focus on efficiency. This is precisely the objective of the process review, a fundamental and structured approach to the continuous improvement of both organizational effectiveness and efficiency. However, while the process review is widely viewed as essential, and while senior managers understand its broad principles and agree on its usefulness, for many organizations its actual implementation remains a challenge and the review itself an all too elusive mystery.  This handbook demystifies the process review by presenting and explaining its sequence and steps in practical, logical and reassuring terms. Building on a statement of objectives and recognition of the symptoms of inefficiency within the organization, the handbook provides insights, tips, tools and techniques to guide the manager through the process review. By the end of the exercise, the manager and team will benefit from documented standard procedures, clear roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders, and a robust and effective implementation plan that includes the productive and thoughtful management and monitoring of progress.   With more than 20 years’ experience as a continuous improvement specialist, Jean-Marc Legentil, MBA, has helped numerous organizations improve their performance. Earlier in his career, he worked in operations management at Johnson & Johnson, Abbott Laboratories and Carrier. He lectures at ETS, CIREM and HEC Montréal and is often invited to conferences in Canada and abroad to speak on operational strategy, Lean, Kaizen, Six Sigma and continuous improvement. 
À partir de 24,95$
Property Cases and Materials, 2nd edition
This casebook provides a basic introduction to the common law of property for students in Canadian law schools. In addition, to the “classic” cases from English and Canadian jurisprudence, this book utilises materials from around the common law world in an attempt to show the interconnectedness of the common law tradition. Topics include theories of property ownership, the acquisition of property, the doctrines of tenure and estates, leases, as well as a consideration of problems of marital property and co-ownership. In addition, the text presents a basic introduction to the real estate sales transaction. Matthew P. Harrington is Professor of Law in the Faculty of Laws at the Université de Montréal. He teaches property, trusts, and equity.
À partir de 49,95$
Strategic management of arts organization
Arts and cultural organizations (ACOs), like all organizations, are regularly required to make strategic decisions in order to deal with the challenges of their sector. To make the most informed decisions possible, ACO managers must have excellent knowledge of models of strategic thinking. But thinking strategically does not mean that managers should adopt a purely rationalist approach and ignore their intuition. In fact, ACO managers, who are often artists, are more inclined to follow their intuition than theoretical models that provide only a partial view of reality. The aim of this book is to encourage ACO managers to reflect on the exercise of strategic thinking. Just as artists must master the technical skills of their art in order to move the audience, ACO managers must master the methods of strategic thinking in order to feel comfortable and confident in their decision making. In this process, managers will eventually think strategically by blending a rational approach with their intuition. This way of thinking can be acquired or reinforced through the repeated application of the strategic tools presented in this book. Understanding one’s organization in terms of its environment, its competitors, its stakeholders’ expectations and its resources and competencies, while adopting the most suitable governance structure, are essential steps in a strategic process that will lead to more effective management and a better capacity to anticipate the future. The strategic decisions emerging from this process will have a greater likelihood of ensuring the long-term sustainability of the ACO. The authors’ aim is to facilitate the reflection on the strategic diagnosis for arts and cultural organizations, notably through an understanding of the internal and external environment. Governance and stakeholder issues are also taken into account. This book will help practitioners: develop a better understanding of how analytical tools can contribute to strategic management; carry out a strategic diagnosis; make strategic decisions that are consistent with the diagnosis; ensure the successful implementation of their decisions. Serge Poisson-de Haro, Ph.D., MBA, has been a professor at HEC Montréal since 2006. His research and teaching interests are focused in the area of strategy. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Opera Company and the DAREarts Foundation for Children. He is a regular contributor to the International Journal of Arts Management and a frequent speaker at the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC). He has written numerous case studies on institutions in the arts and cultural sector. Sylvain Menot, Sylvain Menot, an engineer by training, completed his MBA with Honours at HEC Montréal in September 2008. One of his main fields of interest is strategic management. He has co-authored two case studies on the strategic issues facing arts organizations that were published in the International Journal of Case Studies in Management. He has several years of experience as a project manager. He currently holds a position with the world leader in contract research organizations for the pharmaceutical industry. 
À partir de 54,95$
The Grammar Guru
Written in the form of a Socratic dialogue, the Grammar Guru is the first Grammar book written to instruct and entertain its readers – yes … entertain! Hirtle Walters, a.k.a. the Grammar Guru, is a retired linguistics professor who runs a pub-style restaurant not far from his former university campus. Louis Bonenfant is an English Studies student and aspiring English teacher who one day seeks out the Guru’s help. Through a series of weekly encounters with the Guru, Louis learns the difference between: A verb’s state and action use. The simple and progressive form as seen in sentences like I take three pills a day and I’m taking three pills a day or I like university and I’m liking university. The simple past and present perfect form as in I lost my assignment and I’ve lost my assignment. The present perfect and present perfect progressive form as in Your python has escaped and Your python has been escaping. The modals can, could, may, might, will, shall, etc. A real and an unreal condition. Rather than inundate Louis with confusing rules and lifeless examples, the Guru instructs Louis on the meaning underlying the various grammatical forms. Through their encounters, Louis comes to the realization that the Guru’s meaning-based approach to teaching grammar and jocular character makes learning it much more rewarding and even fun. Also included in the book are a series of meaning-based exercises.
À partir de 25,95$
The Return of the Grammar Guru
Louis and Mr. Walters are back! Presented in the form of a Socratic dialogue like its predecessor, The Return of the Grammar Guru aims to both instruct and entertain its readers through give-and-take conversations between the Grammar Guru, a retired linguistics professor who runs a pub near the university campus, and Louis, an aspiring English teacher with an insatiable thirst for grammatical knowledge and beer. Through a series of weekly encounters with the Guru, Louis learns about: The difference between the infinitive and the gerund, as in He tried to be nice to his boss and He tried being nice to his boss. The use of the article in English, which can make the difference between He admired Picasso and He admired the Picasso. The difference between Didn’t you bring any beer? and Didn’t you bring some beer? The contrast between bare noun and genitive constructions, as in Someone stole our car tires and Someone stole our car’s tires. The use of the demonstratives in There was this guy walking down the street and There was that guy walking down the street. The effect of adverb position on meaning, as illustrated by the difference between She shared her experience generously and She generously shared her experience. The subtle difference between With no job Rob would be happy and With no job would Rob be happy. Rather than overwhelm his listener with endless rules, the Guru makes grammar come to life by focusing on the meaning of the various grammatical forms. Also included in the book is a series of meaning-based exercises that allow readers to test their knowledge of the forms discussed in the book.
À partir de 25,99$
Workshop Management
Collective Intelligence and Internalization
It may well now be the time to look for new ways of diagnosing, planning, building team cohesion, fostering innovation and implementing changes and strategies. The classic management models have been used and reused, but they have now reached their limits, unable to keep pace with today’s corporate complexity. As more and more is required in the business environment, more is asked of your organization’s personnel. Significant numbers of your employees may be experiencing withdrawal, cynicism and a lack of motivation. Dynamic management routines and sense-making priorities are badly needed in many organizations, as they seek to overcome a crisis of jaded personnel. Now may be the time to look more seriously at workshop management. On the one side, this book presents how to achieve organizational performance and efficacy with workshops designed to bring together collective intelligence through analysis, planning, implementation challenges and more. On the other side, this new perspective builds on disruptive approaches and creativity management models. It proposes an integrated framework that allows you to design your own workshop sequence to suit the specific issues and challenges you want to address. The framework is easy to adjust; simply follow the enclosed guide to achieve the desired objectives: planning organizational change, reorganizing a team, fostering cohesion, enabling creativity, developing a vision, reframing a strategy and more. To help you attain your goals, all 50 workshops are explained in detail on technical sheets containing the workshop descriptions, underlying motives, group compositions, activity illustrations and examples, timing and leadership guidelines, expectations and objectives, etc. You can use them as-is or adapt them to your liking. Kevin J. Johnson is a Management professor at HEC Montréal. His experience also includes acting as a consultant for many private and public organizations, and publishing academic research on change management and organizational behaviour. Jean-Michel Moutot is a professor at Audencia Business School. He has 20 years of experience working for large French and international corporations, helping them with strategic transformations. David Autissier is the director of the ESSEC Chair for Change and a professor at IAE Gustave Eiffel, University Paris-Est Creteil. He worked as a change management consultant in large corporations for 20 years.
À partir de 39,95$
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